September 29, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Health Articles, Movement, Pain
Pain Neuroscience Resources Below I listed my favorite pain neuroscience resources. As a Person in Pain, Clinician or even as a Trainer, it is very important to understand pain, and to be able to incorporate pain education into your treatments or sessions. Unfortunately there are misconceptions surrounding pain in our society and unless we
August 27, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Fitness, Movement
Here’s a list of 5 Exercises Mike Boyle says you should be doing in the gym. Nice little video here from strength coach Mike Boyle from Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning. This post is inspired from that video in an article by In the video, Mike says these are the 5 exercises you
August 14, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Fitness, Movement, SFMA, Sports Chiropractic
The IT Band is a tough fibrous piece of tissue, located on the outside of your thigh. It is attached to the femur and cannot be lengthened or stretched. The most effective way to treat it is to address the underlying biomechanical problems. Source FMS Podcast Other sources: Greg Lehman, Brad Neal, Breaking Muscle,
July 16, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Movement, Sports Chiropractic
FAKTR I thought I would share some of my thoughts on a course I took this past weekend FAKTR. FAKTR stands for Functional and Kinetic Training with Rehab. The thing about FAKTR is, it’s a system or concept that can be applied to any treatment in which you chose. It’s not like some of
July 01, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Fitness, Movement
4 Corrective Exercise Essentials I listened to this movement lecture on the long drive back to Florida from Nashville. This information is taken from Brett Jones. I am not taking credit for it, I just want to share with you his thoughts on corrective exercise. For those of you who do not know Brett Jones,
March 18, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Fitness, Golf, Movement, SFMA, TPI
TPI level 2 Medical focuses on a more specific assessment than TPI level 1, called the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The SFMA is used by many medical clinicians including DC’s, PT’s and ATC’s to find the cause of pain, which many times is a site different than the source of the pain. The SFMA
March 11, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Fitness, Golf, Movement, Research articles, SFMA, TPI
If you want to read the abstract of the study before reading my analysis click here. This study is very intriguing for a couple of reasons. One, it is the first of its kind to relate physical limitations identified in the body from the Level 1 screen and relating it to swing characteristics seen on
February 26, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Fitness, Golf, Movement, TPI
Do you want to shoot lower scores? Of course you do, everybody does. A better short game is probably one of the easiest ways to lower your scores. Proper technique with the short game includes keeping a quiet lower body and using it as a pivot point to rotate your upper body. Here is a
February 21, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Movement
Last week in R2P club (Rehab to performance) we went over breathing mechanics, how to assess breathing, and how to fix it. So I thought I would share it with everybody, since breathing evaluation should be incorporated into every clinician’s evaluation. This is what sets you to the next level as a clinician. In people
February 09, 2014 - by Miller_Chris
- in Chiropractic, Fitness, Golf, Movement, TPI
The Hip Hinge, Pelvic Tilt and Back Pain Back pain is the most common injury, comprising anywhere from 35-55% of golf injuries (1). It is also worth noting that around 80-90% of the population have back pain at some point in his/her life (2). There are an estimated 30 million golfers in the US