
Video: Rotator cuff exercises

These are some of the best exercises that I know of for the rotator cuff. They were developed by Dr Tom House, a legendary pitching guru. What is important to know about the rotator cuff is its purpose, which is to stabilize the humerus into the scapula, so you can move your arm.

4 Muscles of rotator cuff include:

  1. Supraspinatus
  2. Infraspinatus
  3. Teres minor
  4. Subscapularis


Each muscle has its own specific action, which is outside the purpose of this post. Also, conditions commonly encountered with rotator cuff include partial tears, full tears, tendinopathy and impingements. These are also outside the scope of this post and should be evaluated by a trained professional.



A common misconception with the rotator cuff is strength is the most important part for rehab. This common misconception leads to exercises such as band external and internal rotations prescribed, and those will instantly fix the problem. They really only address one part, which is the strength. I am not saying that strength isn’t important and that those exercises aren’t beneficial for a rehab program. How can the rotator cuff muscles stabilize if they have no strength?


shoulderRotation image_0.img


Obviously these types of exercises have their place, but they not the only answer for rotator cuff health.  However what is more important with these muscles is the ability to create stability of the humerus and have endurance, so that the bigger muscles, like the deltoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major, biceps and triceps can move the arm.


Here’s the videos on how to do the exercises



Alternative Exercises for the Rotator Cuff

  • Arm Swings
    • 60 seconds total, 10 seconds each exercise
    • No break in between (you will feel a burn)
    • Forwards
      • 10 seconds Small Circles
      • 10 Seconds Medium Circles
      • 10 Seconds Big Circles
    • Backwards
      • 10 seconds Small Circles
      • 10 Seconds Medium Circles
      • 10 Seconds Big Circles


Other ideas for rotator cuff health include:

  • Manual therapy such as Active Release Technique to the rotator cuff muscles
  • Other shoulder stabilization exercises such as chops/lift and the  I’s, Y’s, T’s and W’s variations


Lastly, who should do these exercises?

Everybody should do them. Especially if you ever have to move your arms and definitely for those who play sports such as golf, tennis, football, baseball and many others.


Do these exercises daily and let me know if they make a difference!


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